Hi, We're Sara and Brittany!

We’re folklorists, teachers, and writers, and together we're the founders of The Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic! We teach online courses that celebrate traditional tales and everyday magic. Our goal is to re-enchant daily life, one story at a time.

Myths, legends, and especially fairy tales are our passion. We both earned our PhDs from The Ohio State University in 2018 and we love sharing our knowledge and exploring their still-present magic with our students. In October 2019, our school won the Dorothy Howard Award from the American Folklore Society’s Education Section, recognizing our excellence and our commitment to sharing folklore with a global audience!

After teaching courses on folklore, fairy tales, British literature, speculative fiction, and more at OSU, we decided to expand our classroom. We set out to find the people whose hearts beat in time to old tales – people who believe in the power of story. Now, students from five continents gather in our virtual classroom to share stories and fellowship, to be seen and to learn.

More About Us!

Join Our Magical Community!

Step through the wardrobe, taste the pomegranate seeds, jump in the fairy ring?


What Our Amazing Students Say

  • The magic of folklore and fairy tales is as vital to our everyday lives as the food we take for sustenance. Brittany Warman and Sara Cleto feed our souls abundantly with their significant scholarship and personal passion for the tales we all think we know. With a forthright love of their subject, these two teachers illuminate the dark corners of stories with the luminescence of knowledge and inspiration. For anyone who seeks enchantment through learning, the Carterhaugh School provides a perfect compass."

    Deborah Sage Kentucky, USA
  • “I’ve but one disappointment in this course: that this amazing journey through the world of fairy isn’t never-ending! I confess I’ve grown addicted to the arrival of your well-crafted magics twice each week, not to mention the stimulating discourse it triggers in the private group. When I signed up I expected interesting content, but the conversations and friendships formed through the private group page were an unexpected delight – one I’m deeply grateful for."

    Laura Saba New York, USA

From The Blog

  • A Little Spark

    July 23, 2024

    Here’s a fact about me not a lot of people know – I really love tattoos. Before you go, “uh, ok, Brittany, why are you randomly talking about tattoos on…

  • VINTAGE Carterhaugh Open for Enrollment!

    July 8, 2024

    So you know how people say you should start before you’re ready? And how it usually sounds terrifying/ impractical/ extremely no thank you? Well, it might be all those things,…

  • The July 2024 Carterhaugh Events Roundup

    July 6, 2024

    Here’s a list of all the events and publications that we can link you to in the coming weeks–including into August! Events July 11 at 7:00 PM Fairy Tale Salon…

  • Summer Reading Challenge – Month #1 Update

    July 2, 2024

    We’re about one month into our 2024 Summer Reading Challenge, so we thought it might be nice to give you an update on where we are (and some encouragement if…