VINTAGE Carterhaugh Open for Enrollment!
July 8, 2024
So you know how people say you should start before you’re ready?
And how it usually sounds terrifying/ impractical/ extremely no thank you?
Well, it might be all those things, but it’s also definitely how Carterhaugh got started.
We truly cannot emphasize enough how much we were not “ready,” if ready means anything like “has a solid grasp of the situation” or “has a 5-year plan” or even “has a separate business checking account.”
When we were but starry-eyed folklore graduate students, do you think we had ANY idea how to run a business?
Reader, we did not. No. *#@^ing. Clue.
We knew how to research like pros, write Extremely Academic Papers, and teach like bosses in a college classroom.
(We also knew how to organize and run a 100+ person academic conference pretty much by ourselves, which see also: start before you’re ready/ when you have no idea how unhinged what you’re about to undertake actually is.)
What we did not know included things like the best platforms to use to teach non-college students, how to organize our materials behind the scenes so that we could actually find and use them again, how to write marketing copy, and, oh, so very much more.
And you know what? That’s perfectly fine. It’s not like there was an apprenticeship for how to run Carterhaugh! The only way to figure out what we wanted our job to be and how to do it was to do it.
We knew we loved teaching, we knew we loved working together, and we hoped that you were out there, wanting to be a folklore nerd with us. The rest would come together over time, if it didn’t all burn down in a fire.
8 years later, we’re still here! And honestly we’re pretty proud of Precious Panda Past Sara and Brittany, who went for this wild dream with everything they had.
We were digging through and reorganizing some of our oldest materials (we have a HARD CORE system in place behind the scenes now for managing our “assets” so that we don’t make a killer talk and then 3 years later go into a panic because the only trace of it we can find is ectoplasm and uneditable Canva slides), and we came across our courses on Legends and Myth.
We were BABIES when we made them!
So much has changed at Carterhaugh since these courses were launched.
But the foundations are all there! And good lord we used to range FAR AND WIDE in single courses.
Legends in particular is enough to expand out into a semester-long college course!
(Never let it be said that we don’t go hard, no matter the era.)
These courses are vintage. But like our vintage jeans, they’re pretty great.
(Although, are jeans truly “vintage” if you bought them in 2012 and can’t be bothered to buy new ones? Asking for a friend.)
Prices are super reduced from when we sold them back in 2017 and 2018.
Legends is $97.
Myth and Mythic adaptation is $87.
And if you buy them both, we’ll bundle them for $147 and throw in a brand new bonus video – a behind-the-scenes tour of Carterhaugh!

Want to know some of our biggest challenges as creators and small business owners? Or how our thinking and prep has evolved since we started Carterhaugh back in 2016 (?!) We’ll tell you candidly about what we thought we “had” to do, what actually worked, and some of the biggest surprises along the way. This isn’t really stuff that we’ve talked about publicly before, so if you want to peek behind the curtain and hear more about what makes Carterhaugh tick, this is your chance!
Doors close this Friday, July 12th at midnight ET – you can learn more about both courses (and buy either or both!) right here.
Let’s get VINTAGE.
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