Have a question or comment? We’d love to hear from you!
Simply email us at theprofs AT carterhaughschool DOT com
and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Check out our FAQ below too!

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You can also find us on Facebook, our Facebook discussion group,
Patreon, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube!


Q: “Um, what exactly IS Carterhaugh?”
A: The Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic is an award-winning online school dedicated to classes on fairy tales, folklore, and all things fantastic. It was created by Dr. Sara Cleto and Dr. Brittany Warman in 2016 as a place for those who dreamed of elven battles while studying economics, those who have always sworn they could see ghosts, and those who longed for a school of magic to send them an unexpected acceptance letter. We aim to use our knowledge and passion for these subjects to share their wonder, solidify their importance in society, and spread a bit of magic into the world. Want to know more? Check out our “About” page by clicking here!

Q: “What live courses have you done in the past?”
A: You can read our full list of completed courses by clicking here!

Q: “I’m intrigued, but I kinda want to know how you guys work first. Is there anything available I can watch for free?”
A: We do periodically offer free lectures, yes! Join our newsletter or follow us on social media to see when they’re happening live, but, in the meantime, please feel free to check out our recordings page – there are even lectures there that you can watch for free too!

Q: “How will I know when there are new courses?”
A: Our newsletter is the best way to keep in touch with us – we always announce all of our new courses there first! If you’re looking for more of an insider/behind-the-scenes kind of experience, we recommend checking out our Patreon.

Q: “I have a folklore question! Can you help me?”
A: We’d love to help! You can learn about our consulting work by clicking here. If you just have a quick, one-off question, the best place to ask is our Facebook community!

Q: “I want to book you for a lecture / talk to you about a potential project / interview you guys for my podcast / ask you a question for an article / etc”
A: Thank you so much for thinking of us! We’d love to talk – shoot us an email at theprofs AT carterhaughschool DOT com and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

Q: “I wrote a book! Can I send it to you / will you review it / will you write a blurb for me?”
A: Again, thank you so much for thinking of us! While we would love to read, review, and/or blurb for everyone who writes to us, the volume of materials we receive means that we just can’t. If you would still like to send your book to us, we would be honored to receive it, but we simply can’t guarantee anything in terms of response.

Q: “Where can I get Carterhaugh merch?”
A: The main place to get Carterhaugh merch is our Zazzle shop – it has the most items (and all the funny book club buttons and such!) You can also find us on Redbubble and Society6!

Q: “What are the “grimoire pages” that come with some lessons?”
A: The “grimoire pages” are one page PDF lesson summaries – they’re short but beautifully presented, made to look like the pages of an ancient spell book. You can find out more about them here. The more classes you take with us, the more pages you can add to your own personal Carterhaugh grimoire! We sometimes offer free bonus grimoire pages too, so keep your eyes and ears open!

 Who made your gorgeous logo?? And your Patreon tier illustrations??
A: Our tree logo was made by Rachel Oakes, and our Patreon tier illustrations were made by Lindsey Márton O’Brien – they are both amazing artists and wonderful people!