Upcoming one-off lectures and events can be found on our events calendar!

Self-Guided Courses

Some people swear by their Enneagram (we’re both 3s) or their Zodiac sign (waves in Virgo and Scorpio). We’re all about fairy tales and the insights they reveal.

Find Your Fairy Tale is a bite-sized mini course made to help you connect genuinely with the world of fairy tales and tap into the personal stories that underpin your life – so that you can harness their power or even start to change them. We guarantee academic excellence, dedication to whimsy, and an avenue right into a real sense of everyday enchantment.

Tell your story. Live your magic.

Learn more or join us right here.

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In this self-guided online course, “Introduction to Fairy Tales,” we welcome you across the threshold of Carterhaugh to explore a collection of wonder tales from around the world- stories you may know, stories you may think you know, stories that are strange and unfamiliar. Through a combination of video lectures, supplemental readings, and extra resources, we will introduce you to the wide world of fairy-tale scholarship and provide the history, context, and tools to begin analyzing these stories and applying them to your own life. Click here to learn more or purchase below!

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In this self-guided course, “Introduction to British Folklore,” we sample some of our very favorite stories and traditions from the British isles – this is the realm in which we both specialized in graduate school, and it’s a part of the world that we love dearly for its lore and enchantments. Click here to learn more or join us by clicking the button below!

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We also have a huge and amazing workbook dedicated to folklore and creative writing called Spellcraft: Write Like a Witch! It comes with several bonus videos and materials too. Check it out here or purchase directly below!

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We wrote and presented a full 10-episode series for the online streaming platform Wondrium – “The Real History of Dracula”! Who is Dracula, really, and why is he such an enduring character? Find out by joining Wondrium and watching our show!

(Note the free trial offer!)


Looking for recordings of past events and lectures so that you can just dip your toes into the Carterhaugh world? We’ve got a ton of them that you can explore by clicking here – many of them are even FREE!


Our signature course, Enchant, is an empowering five-week experience that uses fairy tales, folklore, and a dash of science to help you unlock the magic that can exist in your everyday life.

Sometimes, to make your dreams come true, you don’t need a fairy godmother. You need the magical combination of inspiration, accountability, and other writers by your side, daring to make those dreams real.

(Plus TWO fairy godmothers!)

Click here for a list of the courses we’ve done in the past!

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Looking to join the book club or the digital fairy-tale salon?
Check out our Patreon by clicking here!

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Lastly, you may also purchase Carterhaugh merchandise at a variety of places online!

Our main shop is our Zazzle store
(this is where to go if you’re looking for the inside jokes and funny merch, but there’s much more there as well!)

You can find a few items at our Society6 shop too!

And, lastly, if you’re looking for something a bit fancier, we also have a Redbubble shop that even has Carterhaugh scarves!

All kinds of options! Please consider supporting us and showing your love for folklore and the fantastic by buying a notebook or a sticker – we would greatly appreciate it!!