While you might imagine that Brittany and Sara would be squarely team “Sports Go Sports,” you would be mistaken! Sara harbors an intense and terrifying love of soccer, while Brittany is secretly a football fan. However, the game we’re most excited about this season is THE FAIRY BOWL: Germany vs. France! Register to join us live (or to watch later at your convenience) and see us pit the storytellers of Germany and the salons of France against one another. Which country boasts the most magical women in their fairy tales? Will the Great Green Worm triumph? Or will it be the Three Spinners? We’ll be talking about some of our very favorite fairy tales and tellers, and it promises to be an informative and ridiculous evening.

This Crowdcast will be great for both returning students and new faces who want to see what Carterhaugh is all about – it will also be a fun way to unwind from the stresses of the holiday (and before the Christmas season gets started!) Please sign up here and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions – we hope you can join us for this epic showdown!!
Date: November 29th, 2017 – 6PM (but please note that you can register and watch a recording of the live event at your convenience! Though encouraged, live viewing and participation are not necessary!)
Time: 6PM-7PM
Place: Crowdcast Live Events! Register There Now!
The Contenders:
Please visit the following links to learn about our contenders (er, read the stories we’ll be discussing!) –
Grimm – “Hansel and Gretel” [1857 Version]
Grimm – “The Three Spinners” [1857 Version]
Grimm – “All-Fur” [1857 Version]
Von Arnim – “The Rose Cloud” (Unknown, Between 1843-1848)*
Perrault – “Sleeping Beauty” (1697)
Perrault – “The Fairies” (1697)
D’Aulnoy – “The White Cat” (1698)
D’Aulnoy – “The Green Serpent”/”The Great Green Worm” (1698)
* Please note that reading “The Rose Cloud” requires you to sign up for a free JSTOR account
Any Additional Materials Needed: Team flags highly encouraged.
Price: $10 – Payable Via Crowdcast!