Our first digital Fairy-Tale Salon is happening on April 27th at 7PM EDT!
We’d love for you to join us. If you want to give it a try, make sure you’re signed up for our Salonnières tier or higher – you can always adjust your tier from month to month, depending on your schedule or interest in the salon topic!
Prompt: What is the fairy tale (or legend or folk tale) that best describes your own life? What tale resonates all the way down to your bones? What story do you turn to (or will you turn to) to make sense of the events that befall you and the choices that you make? Has your selection changed over the past year?
Quest: For our first salon, please bring an object that represents this story, your story, to you. It can be anything – a tea cup, a concert ticket stub, a piece of jewelry, a favorite pen – as long as it contains some part of that tale. We’d love to hear about both – your tale and the object that has become its talisman to you.
Bonus Quest: Choose an outfit that reflects that fairy tale! Anything from a themed t-shirt to an actual crown or anything in between.
If you have any questions, please email us at carterhaughschool@gmail.com! We can’t wait!