Hi all! Here is the info for our RESCHEDULED June Fairy-Tale Salon!
Date: June 15th 26th, 2023 at 7PM ET!
Prompt: Your Favorite Local, Magical Place
Quest: Your quest this month is to tell us about your favorite local, magical place. We get so caught up in our day-to-day lives that we sometimes forget there’s often magic just around the corner… where do you go in your neighborhood, city, or just surrounding area when you want a little shot of enchantment? Do you have a favorite spot in a nearby park, a beloved coffee shop corner, an aquarium that makes your heart sing, or a delightful used bookstore that you love to visit when you’re feeling low? Tell us all about it!
If you’d like to participate, just make sure that you’re on the Salonnières tier or higher for the month of June – see you soon!