Thank you for your interest in our courses! Currently open, live courses each feature a Paypal button on their information page that can be used to purchase a spot in the course. That said, we have decided to periodically make completed courses available to purchase for a discounted price here as well! Purchasing these versions of our courses will not get you the personal feedback or the interactive discussion of the live courses, but you will receive access to the video lectures, the PowerPoint PDFs, the grimoire pages, and the readings!
Available Non-Interactive Classes:
The Fairy Tale – a ten-lesson course on the fairy tale that was originally posted in Winter 2017. This course features lessons on many favorite classic tales and several more obscure stories as well! You can read more about the course here – to purchase, please visit our shop page!
The Legend – a ten-lesson course on the legend that was originally posted in Summer 2017. This course features lessons on everything from Arthurian legends to Internet legends, ghost stories to faeries, vampires, and Bigfoot! You can read more about the course here – to purchase, please visit our shop page!
‘An Eerie Tale to Tell’: Folklore for All Hallows Eve – a three-lesson course on Halloween-themed folklore (haunting ballads, scary fairy tales, and shiver-inducing urban legends) that was originally posted in October of 2016. This was our very first class and thus available for a hugely discounted price! You can read more about the course here – to purchase, please visit our shop page!