The Carterhaugh Writers Society is OPEN!!

March 20, 2024

Once upon a time, you sat down at your kitchen table, you pulled out your notebook, and you wrote.

Your script filled one page, then the next. And you kept going.

That dream project that you’ve been poking at for the past 3 years? (The full draft of your novel, your poem cycle, that dissertation chapter, that fairy-tale retelling.) When you open your computer at the end of the month, it’s done. It’s done.

You did it, and that thing that’s been bubbling up inside you is tangible and on the page. It’s real, and you are a CHAMPION.

Sometimes, to make your dream come true, you don’t need a fairy godmother. You need the magical combination of inspiration, accountability, and other writers by your side, daring to make those dreams real.

(Plus TWO fairy godmothers!)

Writers, your time has come because…

The Carterhaugh Writer’s Society is OPEN for enrollment!

We begin April 1st.

The Carterhaugh Writer’s Society is a community created to reignite your creative practice and get you to the finish line of that glorious project that’s been haunting you for way too long.

We’ll provide the structure and tools you need to finally scream “IT’S DONE!” And we’ll help you carve out the space you need, offer real-time strategies for getting unstuck, and build massive momentum through accountability and community.

Are you ready to DO. THE. THING? Let’s crush this.

That’s right: we’re writing with you.

Not only are we your fearless(ish) professors for this writing journey – between April 1st and 30th, we’re drafting a book. And we’re taking you behind the scenes to show you exactly how we’re doing it.

We’ll literally be writing alongside you on Zoom, troubleshooting in real time, and creating momentum and accountability to help you recommit to your writing and reach your goal.

You can learn more and sign up right here.


Let’s write!!

P.S. Want to know what we’re all about before signing up? Our FREE private podcast “Write Like a Witch” is up now and you can get it by signing up right here!

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