The Magical Cats of Fairy Tales

April 27, 2021

If you take a look at our fancy new events calendar, you’ll see that we have not one but TWO opportunities coming up to catch our super popular “Folkloric Felines” lecture live on Zoom this summer!

We’re so excited about this… both because we love this lecture in particular AND because we love pretty much any opportunity to talk about cats!

Especially our cats.

Masters of their domains!
(Sleepy masters.)

We wrote all about the magical cats of fairy tales for Enchanted Living Magazine back in their Summer 2020 “Magical Beasts” issue, but you can read our article online by clicking here!

That amazing featured image above is the stunning “Here in the Grove” by the always phenomenal Charles Vess… and yes, we definitely squealed with joy when we found out that they were going to pair our article with this particular illustration!!

Who are your favorite fairy-tale cats? Let us know in the comments!


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