Ever Feel Like the Toad Instead of the Witch?
August 14, 2023
“Ugh. Do you ever feel like you’re the toad instead of the witch?” Brittany said, poking at a clump of hair that had gone vertical.
“I am the toad,” Sara’s voice deadpanned from under a pile of blankets.
That’s how this whole thing got started – the morning after a 12-hour workday, jet-lagged and bedraggled. (Weird how that’s how we always seem to come up with our best ideas…)
We’re willing to bet that sometimes, you feel like the toad, too. (No shade to toads, they are lovely, just maybe not quite what we’re usually aiming for.) Blah. Uninspired. Like you’ve lost a bit of your sparkle.
If you relate to this at all, we’ve brewed something up just for you.
Next week, we’re running a challenge. The Everyday Magic Challenge.
It’s completely FREE.
Get ready to re-enchant your world by re-connecting with fairy tales, folklore, and yourself.
You’ll get live videos (plus access to recordings) on Monday (8/21), Wednesday (8/23), and Friday (8/25), with actionable prompts that will light you up and get you out of toad-mode and back into witch-mode.
All grounded in fairy tales and folklore.
We’ll be covering a TON, including…
- How to use insight from fairy tales to see yourself and your trajectory in new ways
- What bodylore has to teach you about your reflection and how you feel about it
- Why bringing back old-school glamourbombing can completely change how you feel about yourself and the world around you
- Why folklore can both ground you and connect you to your local community and ecosystem
- A few of the best tips we’ve learned from our study of Romanticism
Are you ready?
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