The Gates of Carterhaugh are Open!
October 5, 2016
Hello and welcome to The Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic, an online center for classes on folk narrative and fantastic literature. Please feel free to explore and, if you like what you see, to sign up for our first short course, “An Eerie Tale to Tell: Folklore for All Hallows’ Eve,” an exploration of folklore for the season! The lessons will be posted on October 24th (Lesson One: Ballads), 26th (Lesson Two: Scary Fairy Tales), and 28th (Lesson Three: Urban Legends) but all the materials will be yours to download and interact with whenever you choose (so don’t worry if you can’t play on those specific dates!) For this first class, we are offering a special introductory price of $30, so be sure to take advantage before registration closes on October 23rd!
In the coming months, we will be offering an exclusive live workshop on the folklore of the film Labyrinth at FaerieCon 2016 in Baltimore, MD(link) (more details coming soon!) and launching our first long course, “The Fairy Tale.” Watch this space or sign up for our newsletter here to keep up with all of our magical endeavors!
We are so excited to finally be able to share this project with you all!
~ Sara and Brittany
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