The May 2023 Carterhaugh Roundup
May 8, 2023
Here’s a list of all the events and publications that we can link you to in the coming weeks!
May 16 at 7:00 PM
Fairy Tale Salon – We’ve been thinking a lot about burnout again, and we really think that the fairy tale can offer us SO much as we try to negotiate that issue in a world that seems to just keep insisting that that the only way to exist is in a constant state of overwhelm, exhaustion, and hustle. Sleeping Beauty teaches us the power of rest, Jack encourages us to play, and Snow White knows better than anyone how to survive – and thrive – despite all the forces at work that want to prevent her from doing so. How do you bring enchantment back into your life when you’re feeling burned out? How do you reignite your spark? How do you find magic again? If we could do anything at Carterhaugh to help you with these feelings, what would it be? What would you most want to learn from us about using fairy tales (etc) to combat burnout? If you’d like to participate, make sure that you’re on the Salonnières tier or higher on Patreon for the month of May.
May 30 at 7:00 PM
Book Club – Our Book Club pick for the month of May is Threadneedle by Cari Thomas!! This one was recommended to us by one of our students, and we really enjoyed the fascinating magic system and similarities to The Craft! Please note that this selection comes with a trigger warning for abuse. Our meeting will be on Tuesday, May 30 at 7PM ET. If you want to join us, make sure you’re at a $7+ tier on Patreon for the month of May! Can’t make it live? The replay will be available right after the meeting takes place!
Coming Up Soon!
June 7 at 8:00 AM – June 9 at 7:30 PM EDT
Norm and Transgression in the Fairy-Tale Tradition – Conference at Brown University – We are so excited to be presenting at the conference Norm and Transgression in the Fairy-Tale Tradition: (Non)Normative Identities, Forms, and Writings at Brown University! Our paper – “‘Our Beloved Cinderella: Kalynn Bayron’s Cinderella is Dead and the Queering of Folk Narrative Genre” – will be on Thursday. For more information, please click here!
June 10 at 6:45 PM
Smithsonian Lecture – Tickets for our next Smithsonian talk on Gender, Sexuality, and the Fairy Tale are now up for sale! It will take place on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 – 6:45PM to 8:15PM ET but it will also have the recording available after it airs. You can read more and get a ticket here. Tickets are $20 for members, $25 for non-members.
The Real History of Dracula Series – Our vampire series is finally OUT and streaming on Wondrium!! Click here to watch! You can also get it as an audiobook on Audible AND a one-off purchase from The Great Courses! Go learn about automatic staking devices, Lord Byron, and why vampires and Covid-19 have more in common than you might think.
Uncanny Magazine
“What They Love Now” – We’re so proud of this strange and wonderful poem from the Sea Witch’s perspective – click here to read!
More soon!
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