What Can We Even Say?
January 20, 2025
How to even write a post for today?
It’s MLK day. And another, nationally significant day. Cognitive dissonance much?
We hope you’re doing ok.
If you’re feeling down, overwhelmed, or many other of the possible adjectives and feeling adrift, here are a few things that have helped us:
1. Support the arts in big ways or small. Buy or borrow a book, go see a play, buy some merch from your favorite creative or indie business. We’re currently reading The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna (definitely future book club material) and It’s On Me by Sara Kuburic.
2. Spend some time in nature, even if it’s just a 5 minute walk around your neighborhood or staring determinedly out your window at a really nice tree. Hell, plant a tree for $1 if you feel like it.
3. Be intentional AF about what news you consume. For us, at this point, that basically means Heather Cox Richardson and Rebecca Solnit.
4. Reach out to someone with kindness. Send a text to your bestie. Bring your neighbor some cookies.
5. Be kind to yourself, too.
Meanwhile for Reasons (*gestures at national stage*), we’ve put the self-guided version of our Fairy-Tale Heroines course on sale for the next two weeks, and we’re donating 15% of all enrollments to the ACLU, an organization that exists to promote and defend immigrant rights, trans justice, reproductive freedom.
Honestly, we just don’t have it in us to talk it up today – we’ll share more about it later this week – but we do want to mention that in it we explore tales from India, Venezuela, England, the Philippines, Nigeria, Japan, and Iraq, as well as indigenous stories from the US. Plus many, many more.
These are incredible stories of courage, kindness, and wonder. And they’re about heroines from all over the world winning respect, recognition, and their own happily ever after.
If a course is out of your reach right now, you can catch the recording of our Be Your Own Fairy-Tale Heroine workshop that we ran last week, for free, by signing up right here. You’ll immediately get access to the curriculum page, where the recording is up along with a few other goodies.
We hope it brings a little bit of sparkle to you.
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