What’s Next?
February 4, 2025
First thing’s first –

Final number raised for the ACLU from Fairy-Tale Heroines enrollments: $1850.40.
We sent them the donation yesterday.
THANK YOU, every single person who enrolled or spread the word! And thank you for all the things you do every day to make a difference in the world 💜
Today, we wanted to take a quick pause and check in with you.
We have a LOT of ideas for what’s coming next at Carterhaugh. As always, we’re only ever going to create things that we’re 1000% confident that we can deliver with real expertise, but we also really value hearing what you’re hoping to see next.
Several of the courses we’ve taught over the years were concepts that students (i.e. YOU) asked for.
The Wine Dark Sea: Folklore of the Ocean? Student suggestion. A big course on myth? Ditto.
So we’re going to take a minute to tell you what we’ve got on the backburner, and invite you to tell us what you’re most excited about, plus a chance to email us any dream topics you’d like us to consider.
Here’s what’s simmering in our cauldron, in various stages of completion:
- A $7 mini course is dropping in the next few days. It’s super bite-sized and all about helping you find the fairy tale that resonates most personally.
- There’s a very, very good chance that our next big course is going to be on the folklore of hope. Think a mix of cozy and fierce stories, a good dollop of Rebecca Solnit, action items as quests, lots of community and fellowship. If you loved Rapunzel’s Circle: Folklore and Resistance, we think you’ll love this, too.
- Another round of the Carterhaugh Writers’ Society
- Dark Academia: Fairies. Or maybe Dark Academia: Breaking the Rules. We have LOTS of ideas for these.
- A talk on murder ballads. Because murder ballads.
- Opening up the Fairylore Library again – this is definitely happening, date TBR depending on some coordination with some very special guests!
- A course like Enchant (i.e. the magic of everyday life through folklore and fairy tales) but, like, if Disney villains were putting it together. Very empowerment, very villain-era energy.
We have more (you don’t even want to see our planning document for 2025, it’s exploding with ideas), but now we sincerely want to hear from you.
Will you email us (or reply to this post) and tell us what you’d love to see most from us, either from this list or something from your own, beautiful head?
We will read every single response.
Finally, because this week has been A LOT and it’s only Tuesday, we wanted to share the Folklore and Resistance roundtable that we put together back in 2022.
It’s still relevant: the tagline is “how folklore can help us find meaning, resist helplessness, and take action.” If you want to hear Terri Windling talk to you in a soothing and powerful manner about making the soup, plus insights from a bunch of folkloric superstars, you can check it out for free right here.
Can’t wait to hear from you!
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